Aquest és un bon resum de les meves aventures a Miami. El Mikesells van ser molt amables i generosos cada vegada que vaig ser a Miami. Els vaig pintar uns retrats de la família com a regal que els vaig deixar.
La Kathryn em va escriure aquesta carta pels companys del IRL.
To whom it may concern,
As founder/director of The Fountainhead Residency, I state that the artist Rai Escalé stayed at The Fountainhead Residency from March 24th to May 12th 2009. I also state that his stay went well, as expected, and that the works selected after his work in Miami for The Fountainhead Collection were to our entire satisfaction.
As a result of his work at the Residency he has been invited to exhibit his work in a two-person exhibition at Artformz Alternative Gallery. The show will open Saturday October the 10th and will be on display at the gallery until November the 7th 2009.
Mr. Escalé has also been invited to paint a mural on the Gallery’s external wall, as part of the Artformz Outzide project, the mural will be a complementary activity to his show.
Kathryn Mikesell.
Founder/Director The Fountainhead Residency